The Influencer Power of Blogs, Podcasts and Bears

The Influencer Power of Blogs, Podcasts and Bears

Welcome back, extraordinary marketers, to another action-packed episode of The Superpower Podcast! In our last mission, we raised questions about the role of blogs in this era of cosmic AI.

Now, it's time to dive deeper with our special guest, Andy Crestodina, as we unravel the truth about AI, SEO, and the epic strategies that fuel blogs.

When it comes to AI and email, some marketers continue to use them for evil (or bad).

Evil-doers beware! We're spotlighting those sneaky marketers who wield AI for nefarious purposes. Join us as we unmask some misguided email communications that, despite their grand intentions, left recipients scratching their heads.

We'll also find out why you need to get to the part of the bear attacking your campsite as quickly as possible in content, Q&A, feedback, pitches, team meetings, and sales conversations.

Yes, a bear attack is a good thing! (This will make sense in the show, we promise.)

Finally, who has some of the strongest influence powers in the content marketing world?

Did you say influencers?

Yes, that seems to be the most obvious and amusing answer. But what if a better answer was - podcasters?

Recent intel reveals these audio avengers wield even more significant influence than the traditional social media titans. But don't be fooled; it's not just a matter of hitting the record button.

We'll unravel the secrets behind their super strategies and styles so you can join the ranks of these mighty content crusaders.

Every Superpower Hour needs a trusty sidekick.

Say hello to A.M.I (Advanced Marketing Intelligence)! Move over, JARVIS and FRIDAY—a new digital ally is in town. A.M.I is here to amp up the show's awesomeness and ensure our fearless host stays on track. With her by his side, we'll conquer the marketing multiverse like never before!

Grab your masks and capes because this episode is packed with more supercharged insights than a Batcave!

Resources from this episode:

Remington Begg on why this email isn't cute
Karen Nicholas on "No Dumping" on emails
Laura Bernhard on a confusing email
LinkedIn: Trent Anderson
blogging,AI,email marketing,content marketing,podcast advice,